Casa M
Casa M
A climate-sensitive home
Blending with the surroundings
Located on the Algarve coast, Casa M stands proudly on a village hill, overlooking the ocean. The design carefully considers the local climate—hot summers, humid winters, and a prevailing Atlantic breeze. As a townhouse on a narrow street, Casa M optimizes its space across half-floors to harmonize with neighboring volumes. Bringing traditional architectural principles and vernacular expression to the contemporary world, Casa M beautifully blends with its surroundings.
TYPE OF PROJECT: Residential
LOCATION: Algarve, Portugal
CLIENT: Private
COLLABORATORS: PLann Engineering; JPaiva Engenharia e Construção
SIZE: 290 m2 BTA
TIMEFRAME: Built 2023
Casa M's design balances visual and spatial extension with the organization of comfortable living functions. The quiet white facade gains expression embracing smooth and textured surfaces, mass and voids. The effect is achieved through the variation of rendering techniques, the design of the perforated gates and the strategic incorporation of breeze blocks in a graphic interplay of light and shadow.