
Urban Lab

Society is architecture, architecture is society.


Sustainable society

The solutions for creating future's sustainable society are inextricably tied to architecture. As urbanists, planners, social scientists, landscape architects and architects we continually encounter the challenge of understanding how the future will look like and how it should be shaped.  For us, understanding architecture's role is connected to how this future scenario is interpreted. How can we use architecture as a tool to take care of the planet and people who live here in the best possible way? 

City planning takes time, ideas are instant

If you define city planning as establishing society's physical framework; this means prolonged processes. Our work as urbanists is often bound to architecture that will be built far into the future. In this lies the challenge and excitement of our field - today we create the framework for architecture and spaces that will be experienced and judged in a contemporary context far into the future. To make sense of this, deep understanding is required, and the courage to stand for innovative ideas that are perceived as unrealistic in light of contemporary framework and assumptions. 


The proof is in the pudding – the pudding is in the making, by hundreds and thousands.

Architecture is measured by it’s ability to give value to society, and how it continues to supply value over time. But the prerequisite for architecture to perform at it’s best is established during it’s creation, from conceiving an idea to the implementation. Therefore, «the proof of the pudding is in the making» for us, both in the process up until realization, and in the ability of architecture to continue to create value into the future. 

Tools of tomorrow

«We need new ways of thinking to solve problems caused by the old ways of thinking»

Albert Einstein


Urban Housing


Ground Lab